Apprenticeship Tax

Paying the Apprenticeship Tax to Saint-Jo Sup is a way for your company to efficiently contribute to the development of new educational projects!

Today, Saint-Jo Sup has more than 200 students who are studying, among other things, in the Higher Technician Sections (BTS) in Communication, IT Services for Organisations and BACHELOR bac+3.

In order to allow each student to develop in a studious and adapted environment, students must have access to recent equipment which represents heavy investments over several years.

It is for this reason that the Saint-Joseph Institution calls upon companies to choose to allocate this compulsory Tax towards our Institution:

In concrete terms, this very necessary contribution enables us to:
·       ensure the purchase of high-performance and adapted equipment,
·       take on part of the operating expenses of the BTS,
·       prepare to meet the challenges of the coming years,
·       train as well as possible those who may be your future collaborators!

The Saint Joseph Institution is entitled to collect the Apprenticeship Tax in the middle and senior management categories. The payment of this Tax is made through a collecting body.

The part of the apprenticeship tax that is not included in the quota (13%) should be paid by employers via direct subsidy to schools. Should you wish to continue to support Saint-Jo Sup in its development, you will find can find our payment here.

The payment of the “quota” part of the 2021 apprenticeship tax (instalments and final balance) will be made to the OPCO, and no longer to the Chambers of Commerce or Chambers of Trade.

Lettre Taxe D’apprentissage 2021